I've been using Ares for about a year and a half now and I can safely say its one of the better P2P softwares out there. The latest version is Ares 2.0.9 in which the user interface is eons ahead of the previous edition. The player screen is strangely similar to Windows Media player 11 but I'm not complaining ! :)
Download Ares here
I am a novice to downloading etc.. but I have been using VUZE for downloading torrents etc since the last three months. I've managed to download big file pretty well and fast. Of late the downloading seems to hang with movies showing download times of 20 days where earlier it used to get downloaded in an hour. Could there be a reason? Anything to do with the current internet problems?
Hi purple, excuse the late reply.
I always use Bittorent to download torrents. It easy to use and I can manage my torrents well. The download speed depends on the number of seeds and peers that are available for a particular torrent, look for ones with more seeds. :)
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