Monday, October 06, 2008

Clear blue skies

Aah ! back to the same old grind, the same old traffic jams and work as usual. Now I can take a sip of water in public and not be arrested/deported and I don't have to worry about hooligans showing off their driving skills at busy intersections.

And the best part ? Well instead of me telling you take a look at this...

This is the view from my office window and this is how the city looked at 7.30 AM today ! Clear blue skies and a gentle cool breeze signaling that the harsh summer is finally over.


Anonymous said...

Thats an awesome view ,

Mathai said...

yup ! my office is on the 12th floor.

Anonymous said...

Oh, WOW. That is totally gorgeous. It looks better than most Kuwait postcards I have seen.

Anonymous said...

That is an incredible view of downtown - definitely worth savoring since it doesn't often look like that.

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